Directed & Produced content for brands such as Vogue, Vanity Fair, Wired, Glamour, and GQ under the Condé Nast Entertainment umbrella. Emmy’s worked with some of the highest profile actors, musicians and influencers in the business today. 

DIRECTOR - Wired / Conde Nast

DIRECTOR - Teen Vogue / Conde Nast

DIRECTOR - Vanity Fair / Conde Nast

DIRECTOR - GQ / Conde Nast

DIRECTOR - Glamour / Conde Nast

DIRECTOR - Vanity Fair / Conde Nast

PRODUCER - Vanity Fair / Conde Nast

PRODUCER - Vanity Fair / Conde Nast

PRODUCER - GQ / Conde Nast

PRODUCER - Wired / Conde Nast

PRODUCER - GQ / Conde Nast

PRODUCER - Teen Vogue / Conde Nast